Neutron Graphs

Filter Node

Filter Node UI

Type: Function

Compatible with: Flow Graph, Connector Graph


The Filter Node selectively passes messages based on changes in the payload data. It caches incoming messages and emits them to the next node only when a specified value within the payload changes. This node is particularly useful for reducing redundant data transmission and focusing on relevant updates.

Settings Parameters:

  • Mode:

    • Block Unless Value Changes: (Default) Emits a message only when any value within the payload changes from the previous message.
    • Block Unless Value is Greater (Number Only): Emits a message only when a specified numeric value within the payload increases compared to the previous message or a specified reference value.
    • Block Unless Value is Lower (Number Only): Emits a message only when a specified numeric value within the payload decreases compared to the previous message or a specified reference value.
  • Property: The dot-notation path to the specific value within the msg object that you want to monitor for changes (e.g., msg.payload.temperature).


  • msg: The message object whose payload will be filtered.


  • msg: The filtered message object, emitted only when the specified value changes (according to the chosen mode).